The Thought Transmission


Uncover the fundamentals of thought transmission. Discover how to use your mind on a quantum level to attract your SP to you

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Attract Them to You NOW!

So let me guess...

You've over getting ghosted, anxiously waiting by your phone for your significant person to reply, questioning if they like you. wondering when they'll ask you out.

You're ready to be the on the pedestal again, for them to beg for you, and worship you.

You're ready to check your phone and see texts from them, missed calls, date reservations booked. You're ready to be treated like a prince or princess that you are. You're ready for full devotion from them. Constant communication. Healthy love.

You may be wondering how thousands of my students have manifested nearly overnight success from their significant person... going from ghosted to blowing up their phones.

In this course I include the power of thought transmission method. Using the law of detachment, meditations, visualizations, scripting, self concept uplevels, into this masterclass.


The truth is...

Here's where most find themselves struggling...

  • Doubting their power - feeling a deep longing for higher self-esteem, but questioning their worthiness

  • Fearing rejection - afraid of being in no contact, blocked, and ghosted

  • Lack of confidence - the desire to have their specific person obsessed with them. but not trusting their ability to use their mind on an energetic level.

  • Information overload - needing a clear roadmap to get their SP back into their life.

  • Limiting beliefs - subconscious thoughts and programs surrounding love, scarcity, detachment, self-concept, worthiness, negativity, trauma, and more that don't allow you to walk the path of your most fulfilling outcome.

man and woman holding each others hands
man and woman holding each others hands
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Get ready for them to be obsessed...

Module 1 : Thought Transmission

Uncover the fundamentals of thought transmission. Discover how to use your mind on a quantum level to attract your SP to you

Learn how to script your new reality. Deep dive into guidance on how to methods to be not only magnetic to your specific person, but have them blowing up your phone

Module 2 : Shift Your Reality


  • Guided Training on Cherished Note Method to learn how to exactly attract them [value: $333]

  • 2+ Thought Transmission Training [Value: $222]

  • BONUS Guided mediation for Attract Your SP [value: $111]

  • BONUS Intention Practice to make them Obsessed [value: $11]

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Beware, this Masterclass is EXTREMELY POWERFUL

Frequently asked questions

What happens when I sign up?

When you sign up you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to access the course immediately.

How long do I have access?

You get permanent access to the course. You will also be grandfathered in to any updates and changes added in the future.

Who is this masterclass for?

For people tired of getting ghosted, and ignored. You're ready for them to beg for you and worship you.

What is your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds. All sales are final.